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Story Bocs is a new project, in which we are creating a series of book shaped boxes, each with Something inside. Our ultimate goal is to provide a touring library of bocs, offering multi sensory art and stories, that will visit community venues across the UK to raise awareness of our work and bring a bit of joy to everyone for free. Especially those traditionally left out of such glorious nonsense. At the moment we are fundraising for this - we were blessed with some local authority funding to do some workshops in Karen's home town of Newcastle - we are inviting participants to add to a community shelf, and we've just unveiled our Indiegogo pre-launch page, so you can join in at home! 



Every bocs tells a different story - this beauty in the video above, our most ambitious to date, was inspired by a real haunting experienced by one of our crew. We created a haunted dolls house for the lady, and added some nods to classic horror literature, such as the yellow wallpaper ( from the story of the same name by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1892).

Below are some photos of more bocs in our growing collection, and artefacts from the library packs - research files telling the back story to our magical library! We're keeping a few things secret for now as a surprise for our crowdfunding backers, but all will be revealed later this year :) 


Our latest round of workshop sessions are now closed, but we will be posting further opportunities to join in and see our work live over on our Events page. We will be bringing you more on this project very soon, as always subscribe for more updates or follow us on Facebook. Meanwhile, here's a gallery of some of the fantastic work produced as part of our Byker sessions :) 

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