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Story Bocs
We're building a wondrous (and occasionally monstrous) travelling library of interactive, multimedia stories. Each book shaped box has Things inside - some you can touch, some you listen to, some listen to you!

When we have enough bocs we'll be hitting the road, touring community spaces and sharing stories.

To help us get there, and become part of library lore,  check out our Indiegogo pre launch page by hitting the button below 



Every bocs tells a different story - the beauty in this video, our most ambitious to date, was inspired by a real haunting experienced by one of our crew. We created a haunted dolls house for the lady, and added some nods to classic horror literature, such as the yellow wallpaper (from the story of the same name by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1892).


The library has a story all its own and to add to the adventure, we have created an archive of specially created artwork, stories and artefacts revealing the lore. The research file will be displayed as part of the touring show, and copies are available as part of our crowdfunding campaign. Here's a sneak peek at some of our favourites :) 

It's important to us that accessible, inclusive events are created with the community, so we know we are putting on the best show we possibly can and meeting the complex needs people have. To start the conversation, we have already done a series of workshops engaging residents of Newcastle's east end, and will be rolling that programme out alongside the exhibitions. We used premade boxes to give folks a head start this time around, we're also raising funds so we can create opportunities for people to submit work for inclusion in custom builds. These are some of the experiments from our spring events.

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