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A bit of a drive north took us to Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Vane Gallery. Vane is a contemporary white wall gallery, a real contrast to the previous two historic stone buildings. The owners of Vane were very kind and courteous, and as we were able to hang the work directly on the gallery walls, setup was much faster. 

A sterile-looking room: White walls, white ceiling, and a stone-grey floor. The only thing that stands out is the dark, charcoal artwork that perfectly lines the walls.

The gallery is situated in Commercial House in the heart of Newcastle. You can see through to the second room where Sean did his readings.  We covered the entire wing in artwork from Tales in Sombre Tones.

More white walls and grey floors. Ten images from Tales in Sombre Tones line the walls, perfectly spaced, leveled, and arranged.

With its big plate glass windows, the main exhibition space was perfect for the artwork - we used the darker room next door for the projector.

A grey-scale image. Sean Walter stands to the left, reading aloud from his tablet in a top hat, black shirt, and black pants. In the background, a video of the British sign langage interpretation of the reading plays.

Here's Sean, doing his reading in front of our BSL video-interpretation. A note from Sean: "I once heard an author I very much admire say that a writer knows he's doing a good job when he can hear the audience breathing. I'm happy to say that, at least on one occasion during the night, I accomplished that."

Three men stand in front of the artwork, dark bottles in their hands. They seem to be discussing the artwork.

Some of our guests for the evening party, as well as one of owners of Vane (in yellow).

A cityscape view from Vane Gallery showing Newcastle-upon-Tyne under a blue sky.

We didn't get much time to explore but we did manage to find Grey's momument, featuring Earl Grey (of tea fame). 

A large, stone pillar with a statue on top. The plaque at the base says that it's Earl Grey, the man.

Our whirlwind three-city tour was at an end. We had an amazing time and made some fantastic memories. We learned a lot, and are looking forward to the next leg.


We hope you enjoyed seeing some of the fun we were able to have during this tour. A great thank you to everyone involved, whether it was renting us a room to stay in, or allowing us to present our show in your space.  We would also like to say a big thank you to The Little Angel in Whitby for sponsoring our opening night parties with their own Lady Luck beers.

The Little Angel logo: a pair of angel wings under a halo. The halo has a horn coming out of it on the right side.
The Lady Luck Brewery logo: a white four-leaf clover in white on a black background.
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